Why Is It Important to Support the College of ACES?
We invite you to Invest in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) by making a gift today. You may also browse the comprehensive College of ACES Endowed Chairs and Professorships.
The success of our state and nation depends on access to affordable and high-quality educational opportunities in agriculture, natural resources, family and consumer sciences, and tourism. The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences provides these opportunities for students, faculty and citizens of the state. Exemplifying the university's land-grant mission is our long-standing practice of providing a safe environment where students, faculty and staff share, cooperate and help one another.
Private support from alumni and friends has allowed the College to maintain the high standards that attract quality students from New Mexico, the nation and world. You can help continue the tradition of excellence by establishing a family legacy in the form of a permanent named scholarship, fellowship, professorship, or endowed chair.