Aggie Organ Donor Endowed Scholarship Established

Organ Donation is Truly the Gift of Life

Through a tragic turn of events, Dr. Ryan Goss, an Associate Professor in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, received a donated kidney on May 30, 2011. Ryan suffered from kidney failure and was placed on the donor list in 2009. He had been on dialysis for two years which had greatly limited his ability as a faculty member and adversely affected his life and health. Ryan and his wife, Diana, received the call that a kidney was available on their 2nd wedding anniversary and traveled to Albuquerque for the procedure. The transplant was successful, and Ryan's life returned to a new normalcy; something that would not have been possible without this gift of life.

In appreciation of the anonymous donor, Ryan, Diana, family and friends started the Aggie Organ Donor Endowed Scholarship. This scholarship is open to any student at New Mexico State University, Main Campus who is on the transplant list to receive a major organ(s), or a student whose children, parents, siblings or self has donated or received major organ(s).

There is a shortage of suitable organs for donations, at least partially because few people volunteer to serve as organ donors. Consequently, many people in need of donated organs often languish on the donor list for years. This can be especially difficult for those who are attempting to complete their education. Pursuing a college degree is sufficiently difficult for healthy students, but can be especially difficult for those challenged by the need for an organ transplant.

We can help ease their burden through the Aggie Organ Donor Endowed Scholarship. Please join us in helping students affected by organ transplant by contributing to this endowment and registering as an organ donor. Countless lives may be saved, and the financial burden of pursing an education for those affected can be eased.

Image of Ryan and Dana Goss

Ryan and Dana Goss

For any questions or to make a gift, please contact us.

NMSU Foundation
Phone: (575) 646-1613